A while back, David Bornstein wrote a New York Times piece, which even today is one of the most prominent articles about Impact Sourcing. Then he had to write another, defending his position. Not surprising, since more than 70 percent of Americans believe that outsourcing harms the U.S. economy. Here’s a fairly balanced and unique perspective from one of the readers:
Some of the production I manage is located in three countries other than the US. All three locations have one factor in common: each one of the countries in question has some form of universal health care for its citizens. Not only do American corporations not have to pay healthcare for outsourced labor, but the employees’ home country absorbs the cost of illness. American workers will never be able to compete without a similar option, and any company that defends outsourcing without advocating for the equivalent here is disingenuous in their claims of wanting to promote a healthy global economy.
Mr. Bornstein says ‘we don’t live in a zero sum world anymore, where one countries gain is another’s loss.’ I often use this when speaking publicly about the politics. Check out this video to get the inside story on how Impact Sourcing changes lives: