Photo credit: Flickr, 1village
For businesses, often the primary goal of outsourcing work is to ease the workload of higher-skilled workers. As outsourcing becomes a standard part of operations, businesses begin to look at additional processes that can be delegated to trusted parties. [Update:A new report from WDI and the Rockefeller Foundation digs deeper into enabling factors for businesses and service providers to work together.] We all know data entry, web development, and call center operations can be sent to outside sources, but there are many other business services that are handled by talented
providers. We’re particularly excited that <a href=”http://impacthub.org/players/service-providers/”>Impact Sourcing Service Providers (ISSPs) can provide staff for:
- Data collection and online research
- Data entry and conversion
- Web content management
- Social media marketing
- Editing and tagging
Online Research Anyone can conduct a Google search and extract volumes of information, but many businesses simply don’t have the resources to commit to hours of research. By outsourcing data collection and organization, a business can spend more time interacting with clients and less sitting in front of a computer. For example, a business planning to host an event might need to scour the globe for the best event spaces by price, capacity, and features. Such research could take hours, taking time and attention away to the actual work of planning the event. A skilled outsourcing team can collate and present that information to the decision-makers. Advanced Content Management A content management system can be anything from Google Drive, which allows businesses to manage files in the Cloud, to WordPress, which provides multiple team members the ability to add content to a website or blog. Impact Hub connects businesses with service providers who can collect and upload images, sort contents, tag content, and more. Instead of spending time doing the more mundane aspects of content management, you can focus on creating the best possible content for your website visitors. Banks, accounting firms, and government have outsourced operations for years. But thanks to the global interconnectedness of the Internet, businesses of all sizes can now benefit from talented workers in the cloud. Offshore teams allow you to conserve high-value internal
resources for other activities.