The competitive spirit is alive and well in America, with professionals realizing the importance of keeping their skills current. This has been driven by the internet’s ability to connect businesses with workers around the globe. No matter what skill a company needs, chances are they can find someone who excels in that skill, even if that person is located halfway across the world.

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Outsourcing Makes Sense
The cost savings of sourcing work to employees located in underdeveloped or rural areas has been well documented. As get Abstract pointed out in The Outsourcing Revolution, a Java programmer based in the United States commands a salary averaging $60,000.
That same talent earns a programmer based in India a mere $5,000. Thanks to the internet, that programmer can perform all of the work without ever leaving his or her country.
But rather than cost Americans their jobs, this practice has spurred many Americans to better themselves.Many are specializing in high-level skills that require them to be on site. American companies still have a high demand for professionals that can sit across from them in the conference room, after all, and by mastering soft skills like face-to-face communication and leadership, those workers can deliver in ways off-site workers can’t.
Global Improvements
The result is that outsourcing is improving productivity on a global level. Domestically, workers are challenged to find new ways to provide talents above and beyond those offered by overseas workers. The vast majority of companies now see the benefits of impact sourcing, both on the economies of service providers and their own bottom line.
As The Outsourcing Revolution points out, businesses are finding new ways to reinvest the savings they’re enjoying as a result of outsourcing. One of those ways is to offer training to on-site employees, allowing them to get up-to-speed on the latest technologies. This investment pays off for businesses because they can move forward, fully armed with workers who can keep them ahead of competitors.